Friday, June 10, 2011

Tori's Sweet Sixteen

Sixteen years ago today I got my new name, Tori's mom. I have such mixed emotions about today. It seems like yesterday that I was holding her in my arms for the first time. As much as I long for those days again, I can't deny the blessings that come from watching your child grow up and give her life to the Lord. Soon she'll be leaving for her first mission trip. I remember the first time I went to Kenya, she was so upset with me for not taking her with me. She wanted to go tell people about Jesus too. I shouldn't be surprised that the Lord has given her such a heart for missions. You see, the first time the Lord used her for missions work was before she even entered the world. I was so lost in my pain that others had caused me and that I had caused myself, that I just wanted to not feel anything. When I first found out that I was pregnant I thought my life was over. I had no idea what I was going to do. That feeling quickly faded however as the Lord stared lovingly guiding me on the path that led to Him. I made a real decision to give my life to the Lord and not just the lip service that I had given up to that point. I guess if you think about it, the life I was living did end and true life began. I'm not sure where I would've ended up if the Lord hadn't used such a precious blessing to bring me to Him. I look at the young woman she's become and it still amazes me that God chose me to be her mom. Tori has such a deep commitment to serving the Lord and growing in her knowledge of Him. I know that the time I have left with her to be with us in our home all the time is growing short. I also know that the Lord has great things planned for her and it's my honor and privilege to have a front row seat. Happy Birthday Tori. I love you with all my heart and I'm so thankful for you and the young lady you are.

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